Fake Uber lawsuit obviously filed by Jonathan Lee Riches

March 17, 2016

UPDATED BELOW (02/15/17)

The media is apparently mystified by the pro se lawsuit supposedly filed by accused Uber shooter Jason Brian Dalton. At this time no one is reporting that the lawsuit was obviously filed by Jonathan Lee Riches. You heard it here first.

First, any connoisseur of Riches’s work would recognize his inimitable style.

Second, as noted in the news story linked above, one of the key pieces of evidence showing that the suit was not actually filed by Dalton was its Philadelphia postmark. (Dalton is incarcerated in Michigan.) Guess who is currently incarcerated in Philadelphia? (Hint: Enter jonathan lee riches into the Find By Name fields.)

Third, another piece of evidence noted in the news story was the mismatch between the handwriting on the complaint versus Dalton’s own handwriting. Well, here’s the first page of the “Dalton” complaint, and here’s the first page of Riches’s earlier complaint against the Guinness Book of World Records. The Dalton complaint appears to have been written in more of a hurry, but the hand looks like a match to me.

Troll on, Johnny Suenami.


UPDATE: I see that The Smoking Gun pieced this together the same day I did. Needless to say, my post was up before TSG’s, but I’m sure they came by their conclusions independently…

(Also, J.L.R. got out. The inmate-locator page linked above is no longer useful.) –m.b.