July 20, 2007


The FemSkin is an “anatomically correct flesh like silicone [sic] skin bodysuit in a perfect female form.” Atrocious site design aside, this discovery is indeed one of the creepier things to come out of the Internet this week. It’s basically a giant rubber suit for men that will mold your body into a vile pastiche of the female form, complete with an “insertable rectum for the anus.” In fact, FemSkin apparently produces an entire line of “transgender prosthetics” that you can slap onto your disgusting, fat, hairy body to feel like a woman. Now, I have nothing against the transgender crowd, but this is just wrong. Also, it reminds me of the “woman suit” Buffalo Bill made in The Silence of the Lambs.

Dude with face

July 20, 2007
